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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The way We Affect Others

We may not always realize
that everything we do,
affects not only our lives,
but touches others too.

A single happy smile
can always brighten up the day,
for anyone who happens
to be passing by your way.

And a little bit of thoughtfulness
that shows someone you care,
creates a ray of sunshine
for both of you to share.

Yes, every time you offer
someone a helping hand,
every time you show a friend
you understand.

Every time you have a kind
and gentle word to give,
you help someone to find beauty
in this precious life we live.

For happiness brings happiness
and loving ways bring love,
and giving is the treasure,
that contentment is made of.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Out of the Ordinary

There is nothing ordinary about life. It is the most precious thing you possess. Life is at once strong and fragile, on both counts requiring the utmost respect and consideration.

There are no ordinary moments. No matter what the circumstance, there is always, always the potential for greatness befitting the wonderous character of life itself. The difficult times, the challenges, the tragedies are all the more reason to make the most of each precious moment.

No moment is ordinary when you care, when you sincerely give of yourself, when you make the effort to make it count. Whether you're giving your child a bath, designing software, playing golf, or waiting tables, each moment is a golden opportunity. An opportunity to learn, to create, to help, to love, to fully live.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The energy of DESIRE

In every desire is the energy and motivation needed to fulfill that desire. The problem is that we often use even more energy to fight the desire. That's like driving your car with one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake pedal at the same time.

We have desires for a reason. They motivate us to take action. They compel us to take action. Unfortunately, we often don't want to take action. So we launch a counterattack on our desires, with powerful weapons such as fear, unworthiness, guilt, and anger. Not only does this require tremendous effort, it also destroys the original power of the desire. What a waste!

What are your desires, your goals? Are you using their own energy to go toward them? Or are you wasting your energy by fighting them, by frightening, shaming or rationalizing them away?

Far better to just go ahead and take the actions necessary to reach your desired goals. You know what you want. You know how to get it. Take action. Stop wasting your life fighting with yourself, and do what needs to be done.

Monday, July 27, 2009


In order to accomplish anything, you cannot do everything. Life is constantly presenting you with an infinite number of possibilities. Yet no matter how rich, or talented, or well connected you are, you can only do so much. There are only 24 hours in a day.

Everything of value comes at a price. If it didn't have a price, it would have no value. And the price is sacrifice. In order to have anything, you must sacrifice other things. In order to play the violin, you must sacrifice the time it takes to learn and practice the instrument. To take the afternoon off and play golf, you must sacrifice the sale you would have made.

Every time you make a choice, you are expressing your priorities. If you don't like where your life is going, take a good look at your priorities. Not the priorities you claim to have, but the priorities that are revealed by your choices.

Every choice is a decision to sacrifice all the other possibilities. You must decide which possibility is the most important to you at any given time. What are your priorities? Make your choices accordingly.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ambition or Arrogance

Too many people confuse ambition with arrogance, and then wonder why it fails them.

The distinctions between ambition and arrogance are sometimes subtle, yet critical. From a distance, the two can appear to be the same. However, their results are worlds apart.

Ambition is expecting the best of yourself. Arrogance is believing you are better than others. Ambition is the desire to make a difference. Arrogance is the belief that you're indispensable. Ambition is doing whatever it takes to accomplish what you know you deserve. Arrogance is thinking that the world owes you something, and doing what you can to take it. Ambition is disciplined and assertive. Arrogance is pushy. Ambition is responsible and respectful. Arrogance is destructive and disdainful.

Are you driven by ambition or arrogance? Arrogance will drive you into the ground. Ambition will drive you to the top.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Watching ur thoughts

Hold one hand out in front of you, look at it carefully, and then use it to pick up some object -- a pencil, a paper clip, your computer's mouse. Watch your hand as it holds the object. Then set the object back down and release it. Though the object is not a part of you, you can pick it up and use it when needed, and then set it aside when you're finished.

Now, in the same way that you've just observed your body, try observing the thoughts which course through your mind. Take a figurative "step back," and see each thought as it comes into your mind. Detach yourself from the thoughts and see them as things which your mind picks up, holds, and then discards.

Realize that although they are very useful and influential in your life, your thoughts are not you. If there's a negative, limiting thought occupying your mind, you have the ability to set it aside. The next time a frustrating, angry or despairing thought finds its way into your consciousness, step back, observe yourself thinking it, and see how pointlessly destructive it is. Then move it out of the way. Put something positive and uplifting in its place.

Hold on to the thoughts that serve you and set the rest aside.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Take it up a notch

It takes just as much effort to live poorly as it does to live well. It takes just as much effort to be mediocre as it does to be magnificent. As long as you're going to put in the time, you might as well make it count.

There are many people who pay to play golf, and there are some who get paid millions of dollars to play golf. There are some people who earn a few dollars per hour cooking food, and others who earn millions doing it. The difference is not in the time or effort expended, but rather in the commitment to excellence. The minimum wage cook is thinking about what he'll do when his shift is over. The millionaire chef is thinking of ways to improve his food. And they both get exactly what they dwell upon.

Whatever can be done, can be done better. Your situation doesn't limit you. There is opportunity for excellence in every situation. Any limitations you have are the result of your own attitude.

Take it up a notch. Aim a little higher today, and higher yet tomorrow. Think big. Make it count, and make a difference.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The pain is not taking action

The two most powerful motivators are the desire to have pleasure and the desire to avoid pain. Of these two, the desire to avoid pain is usually strongest. Normally, we will do more to avoid pain than we will do to seek pleasure.

Is there something you know you need to do, that you have not done? Chances are, the reason you haven't done it is because there is some kind of pain associated with it. Even though taking action could eventually bring you much pleasure, your desire to avoid pain is even stronger than your desire for pleasure. It prevents you from doing what needs to be done.

So how do you get around this? Instead of focusing on the pain of doing it, focus on the pain of NOT doing it. It is painful to quit smoking, or start an exercise program, or make cold calls, or learn a new skill, or to do anything that will improve your life. And yet it is even MORE painful to not do these things. Focus on that bigger, long term pain and it will motivate you to act.

The desire to avoid pain has a powerful effect on your life. Learn to control it instead of letting it control you. Remind yourself that the biggest pain is the pain of regret for not taking action.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life's Energy!

Anyone who knows the basics of sailing can maneuver their boat to the desired destination, regardless of the wind direction. The ability to adjust the sails appropriately, and the amount of wind, are of far greater importance than the wind's direction.

Winners and achievers in life know how to use all of life's energy -- the tail winds AND the head winds -- to move ahead toward goal achievement. Fear gives us the heightened sense of awareness necessary for taking on difficult situations. Challenges give us superb opportunities for learning and growing. Setbacks and obstacles strengthen our resolve and determination. That is, if we decide to take them that way.

You can't control the wind, but you can control how to set your sails. And you can't control what life hands you, but you have complete control over what you do with it. Fear, setbacks, obstacles, and challenges can easily blow you off course -- or they can supply the energy to propel you ahead. It all depends on you.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Watch and Imitate

The best and fastest way to learn a sport
is to watch and imitate a champion.
-- Jean-Claude Killy

Do you want to be successful in any particular undertaking? Then find someone else who has done it, and do exactly what they did. Model your actions on successful experience.

Successful people are not simply lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it. Success comes from specific actions, taken in a specific way. Winners make it look easy, and effortless, but it is not. Behind every successful person is a long line of effort, a specific sequence of actions.

Discover what those actions are, repeat them, and you too can have the same result. Don't waste your time directing envy or resentment toward successful people. Instead, be curious. Find out all you can. Ask questions. Read books and articles. Listen. Observe. Learn from the experience of those who have reached the top, and you'll be on your way there.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 lessons learnt yesterday

Stop waiting for your turn to speak and take some time to listen. You might learn something wonderful.

People will always talk negatively about others when they have nothing relevant to say themselves.

Nothing is as complicated as your mind makes it out to be.

Give people time. After all, they’re only human.

Nothing is guaranteed except for the moment you are in; make the most of it in case it is the last one you have.

Friday, June 12, 2009

You are Loved

You are loved. I know that you’ve heard it before, but take a moment to really think about it. Think about the people who see something special in you—something worth treasuring. Think about the ones who feel blessed because you are in their life, in whatever way. Because no one in forced to love you. Yet they choose to, every day.

Hating is easy. It’s as simple as picking out something in another person—however small or big—and running with it. But loving, that isn’t so simple. Loving another is an investment, and it is not as easy as settling on a single aspect of a person. To love takes work.

So RIGHT NOW, stop reading this and think about all the people who consider you worth it. Think of all the ones who are willing to put an emotional investment into you. Think about the people who care about you and see something wonderful in you.

Yes, you are loved.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Imagine Yourself

Imagination is our strongest tool --
basically, the ability to see
ordinary things in new ways.
-- Keith Herrmann

Imagine your perfect day. You are surrounded by the people you most enjoy and admire. You are in your favorite place. You are doing what you love to to, and you're very good at it. You have all the things you need to enjoy life, to be effective and fulfilled.

There is no limit to what you can imagine. And whatever you can imagine, you can become. Yet imagination is only the first step. To get there, action is also needed. Imagination will guide that action. Most of us are taking some kind of action all the time. We have no shortage of action. Without imagination though, many of our actions are wasted. Imagination will guide your actions in the direction of your dreams.

Imagine yourself being, doing, having whatever you want. See it vividly in all its detail. Feel it. Enjoy it. See it so completely and so realistically that you literally begin taking the actions necessary to get there.

Imagine yourself following every step along the way. Pay particular attention to the first step, because that's the one you need to be taking now... There, did you take that first step? Your imagination is well on its way to becoming reality. Now move on to the second step. Your imagination can lead you there, as long as you do the walking.

Monday, June 8, 2009


People deserve first chances and second chances. Sometimes third chances, depending on the circumstances. But never fourth chances. By the time it comes to fourth chances, you are the one being played. In my experience, there is never an exception for fourth chances. You deserve better.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

now you are here

Stop for a moment and consider how great it is to be alive. Think of the beautiful, abundant universe that surrounds you. Reflect on the wealth of possibilities in your life. Think of the people who care about you. Sure, you have problems. But what joy would there be if you had no challenges?

Right now, take a deep breath and feel how good it is to be alive, to be creative, to be capable of living each moment with as much joy as you choose to experience. Today is a magnificent day to be alive. Right now you have the opportunity to make a difference, in your own life, in the lives of others, in the world.

You've come a long way to arrive at today. All the effort you've put into life thus far, has brought you to this place, this time. All the things you've learned, all your experiences, all the people you know, all the actions you've taken, have culminated in today. Now that it's here, you finally have the chance to live this day for all it's worth.

Monday, June 1, 2009

there is a reason

There is something that will get you out of bed in the morning. There is something that will give you the strength to keep on going past the many obstacles which stand in your way. It could be something you want to accomplish, something you want to have, the person you want to become, something you need to experience. It could be your family, your spiritual faith, your desire to be the best in your field, your fascination with a particular subject.

It could be many things, and it is different for everyone. Yet one thing is certain. There is something, some reason within you, that will drive you, that will give energy to your efforts, that will motivate you to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment. It will compel you to learn, to grow, to be effective, to be disciplined and focused, to become the best that you can possibly be.

There is a reason behind all you do. Find it, understand it, constantly keep it in mind, and it will bring the power of purpose to your efforts.

Friday, May 29, 2009

a special day

Our lives are full of special days -- holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, days of celebration, days of remembrance, fellowship, and leisure. We treasure those special days when we take time to celebrate and enjoy life, when we get together with loved ones, when we give a little more of ourselves and find special pleasure in the simple joy of being alive.

And the most special day of all is... today! Because today is where we live. Today is full of possibility, ready and waiting to be filled with life and love. Today brings the opportunities and challenges which give meaning to life. In every moment of today, there is treasure.

Every day is special because we make it special. No matter what the calendar says, each and every day is full of opportunities for life, for love, for making dreams come true. The weeks, the months and the years come and go. Along the way we collect fond memories of the past and build hope for the future. Yet today is when we do our living, when we create the memories and fulfill the hopes.

Life is full of special days -- one right after the other. All the special days in the past have brought us here today. And all the special days to come, begin to take shape right now. Today is indeed a special day, a sacred gift that is ours to fulfill

Monday, May 25, 2009

you ve made it

You can handle whatever life gives you. You did it yesterday, and the day before. You've done it all your life, and it has brought you to where you are today. Somehow, in some way, you have successfully made your way through every challenge, to arrive at this point in life, right here, right now.

Every day for as long as you can remember you've faced challenges, you've solved problems, and you have worked your way through the obstacles that blocked your path. You have proved to yourself and to the world that you are resourceful, that you are effective, that you can propel yourself to where you want to be.

Nothing yet has stopped you. You proven that you can handle the challenges. Don't stop now. Have the courage to go for what you truly want. Sure, the task looks daunting. Sure, there are hurdles to be overcome. Yet that's what you're so good at doing. You've made it here, and you can make it anywhere you want to go.

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's up to you

In every situation you can find people who are bitter and others who are cheerful. The difference is not in the circumstance, but rather in how each person reacts to it.

The bitter people are those who blame their troubles on circumstance. The cheerful ones are those who continually put forth an effort to make the best of any situation.

Though you can rarely control what happens in the world, you can determine how it happens to you. It doesn't matter whose "fault" it is, or whose "job" it is, when you hold yourself accountable for it, then you are making it happen for you rather than letting it happen to you. And as a bonus, you free yourself from the wasted energy of resentment, despair and anger.

Whether you're searching for ways to blame or for ways to make a positive difference, you'll find what you're looking for. The more accountable you make yourself for life, the more it will work in your favor.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

not always

Things are not always what they seem. Those with the most power are often the ones who exercise it the least. The smartest people are the ones who often say "I don't know." Many times, it is more loving to be firm than to give in. The best potential customer can sometimes be the one who at first appears the least impressive.

Because life is not always what it seems, we must learn to think, consider and act, rather than simply react. When you react in a predictable fashion, it permits others to easily control you. To control your own life, you must think for yourself and look beyond the obvious.

Every day is full of new possibilities, and every situation is different. What was true in the past, may no longer be. What seems to be obvious, may not be at all as it first appears.

Take the time, make the effort to see what is really there. You'll find opportunities that no one else has discovered.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Let yourself

Go ahead. Let yourself enjoy the beautiful world around you. Stop fighting life and start flowing with it. Let yourself be full of strength and energy. Let yourself be creative. Let yourself enjoy the moments as they come. It will happen if you let it.

Your own fears and doubts hold you back more than anything else. Your own anger keeps you imprisoned. Your own limiting thoughts conceal an abundance of possibilities. Your worries drain the joy from each moment. Let go of them.

Is that irresponsible? No. The most responsible thing you can do is to live up to your incredible potential. Yes, there are plenty of very real problems in the world. But you don't have to give them any more power than they already have. Let yourself be joyful in spite of them, and your life will be a positive force. Let yourself really live.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

weakness or strength?

Why not admit that we have a weakness? I always ask myself why should I not have a right to be weak. But while I am telling me about not always being strong, I preach that my weaknesses do not have to make me weak. We're all different, with unique perspectives and abilities. Weakness in one area is a good sign of strength somewhere else. That is what the game is all about.

Someone who is "lazy", and unwilling to put forth any more effort than is absolutely necessary, could be very skilled at determining the most efficient way to get things done. Someone who is shy and afraid to speak up, could be a very effective and observant listener. Someone who has difficulty with remembering details, could be extremely skilled at seeing the big picture.

You've managed to get this far along in life, in spite of your weaknesses, whatever they may be. Consider the strengths you've developed to compensate for them. When you think about it that way, you see that your weaknesses have actually been a catalyst for personal growth.

That's not to say that you should sit back and accept your weaknesses. Areas of weakness offer the greatest potential for overall improvement in your performance. If you put all your effort into improving the areas where you're already strong, you'll only make incremental improvements. However, when you work to overcome your most limiting weaknesses, the results can be dramatic.

Yes, you have weaknesses. We all do. Yet even those weak areas offer the opportunity to find new strength.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

why would you?

Why would you ever choose to be unhappy? Why would you ever neglect to do the things that bring fulfillment and joy to your life? Why would you ever want to hold yourself back from your own possibilities?

Perhaps because it is "easier" to just coast along, not really ever making a difference, not ever striving for what you know you could accomplish. But is it really easier? Is a life of comfort and mediocrity any less painful than a life of effort and accomplishment?

The pain of effort, no matter how intense, is temporary. It is more than compensated for by the achievement which the effort produces. The alternate pain of regret however, is permanent. After all, if you could make it go away, it would not be regret.

Do you think that empty pleasure will ever make you happy? Can you see yourself as ever knowing fulfillment, if you have not made the effort to create a life of value?

This moment, this day, this life is your golden opportunity to fulfill the magnificent possibility of you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Persistent or stubborn?

Sometimes in an attempt to be persistent, we become stubborn. That's a mistake, because there's a big difference between the two. Persistence is the ability to keep your eye on the goal, to continue plowing ahead despite the challenges, to doggedly work your way past any obstacle. Yet persistence also demands flexibility. Stubbornness, on the other hand, is a refusal to accept reality and an unwillingness to adapt to changing conditions.

To reach any goal requires that we be unyielding about where we intend to go, while at the same time flexible about how to get there. Unfortunately, many times we get it backwards -- we persistently do the same thing every day, out of a sense of habit or comfort or lack of knowing what else to do, even if it is not taking us in the direction we want to go.

Few things ever come to pass in exactly the way that we plan them. The ability to adapt is very much a part of relentless persistence. When you're persistent about what you intend to accomplish, and flexible as to how it will happen, anything is possible.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Causes and Results

For any given cause, there is a result that is usually inevitable. If you let go of a book at waist height, it will fall to the floor. If you eat a diet rich in fat and sugar, you will gain weight. If you live with greed, anger and envy in your heart your life will be filled with lack and limitation. And when you seek to make a positive difference, to provide value and to be of service, your days will be rich and fulfilling.

Though you can rarely change the cause and result relationship, what you can most certainly do is control the causes. That is the way to bring the results you desire. Wishing that you could get wealthy by following the latest get-rich-quick scheme will not bring about the wealth you desire. The result of material wealth comes from the cause of extended effort, innovation, persistence and the commitment to provide something of real value.

Results don't happen randomly. They have specific causes. When you're not getting the desired results, pay close attention to the causes you're bringing about. The most reliable way to get any result you desire, is by instigating the accompanying cause. It is a simple, sensible concept with enormous power to change your life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

There's always tomorrow

I really should finish that report... but there's always tomorrow. I need to start working out more often... but there's always tomorrow. I really should return her phone call... but there's always tomorrow.

There's always tomorrow. And that is precisely the problem. If you put something off until tomorrow, guess what? There will always be another tomorrow, and another and another, ready and waiting for you to continue procrastinating.

While there is always another tomorrow, there will never be another opportunity to make the most of today. Once today is over, it is history. No amount of regret or sorrow or excuses will change it.

Today becomes a done deal in just a few hours. Right now is your golden opportunity to make it count.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here it comes

Get ready. Here it comes! Another day. Another 24 hours in which to move forward, to get things done, to learn, to grow, to live and enjoy. In the next 24 hours someone, somewhere will move forward with a decision that will create great wealth. In the next 24 hours someone, somewhere will fall in love, and it will last a lifetime. In the next 24 hours someone, somewhere could make a discovery that will change the world.

Plenty of great things will happen in the next 24 hours. It is a fertile period of time just waiting to be used. What do you have planned for it? Twenty four hours from now, how much farther along will you be? Will you have made the most of this great opportunity?

Today is the day to act. If not today, when? It's a fabulous opportunity. No one anywhere in the world has more time than you do in the next 24 hours. It's plenty of time to plant the seeds for magnificent accomplishments. So get started right this minute, and have a great, productive day!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Life's teachers

Do you remember ever having a really great teacher in school -- someone who inspired you to learn and to do your best? If so, you'll probably recall that he or she challenged you to a much greater degree than most of your other teachers. At the time, the extra challenge may have seemed unfair, or even cruel. Yet looking back on it, you realize that it was not cruel at all, but rather was a true expression of respect for, and confidence in, your ability to learn and grow.

Life outside of school has its great teachers, too. And the best ones often seem unfair, unkind and even brutal. Those teachers include disappointment, sorrow, confusion, loneliness, and frustration. They are all painful and yet some of our greatest learning and growth can come from them. They challenge us and compel us to reach higher. They help to reveal our true character, and by so doing build that character to be even stronger.

Amidst despair, take heart. A loving, caring teacher is even now working to bring out the best in you. Though it is impossible to fully appreciate now, the day will come when you surely will. So take this and every opportunity to learn and grow.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How To Deal With Negative Feedback

Let me direct you to Eric Hamm who has laid it out completely for us amateurs to get the hang of the feed back we receive and how we should deal with it.

"As human beings, we are affected by the feedback we receive from those around us. Whether good, bad or neutral, the words we hear and the tone in which they are seasoned, can have a powerful impact on how we feel about ourselves and how we see the world around us. From the time we first take notice of this double edge we call the tongue, we are keenly aware of its sting as well as its ability to uplift the somber soul."

How To Stop Letting People Make Or Break Your Life!

Let’s stop handing over the keys to other people’s opinions and bring stability to our personal perspective of ourselves.

Tip #1: Determine the usefulness of the negative feedback.

Tip #2: Beware of the dangerous Half-Truth

Tip #3: Determine WHO you will listen to

Tip #4: Accept your imperfections

Tip #5: Take a breather

Tip #6: Build momentum regardless of reaction

For Complete Reading Please Visit HERE

Saturday, April 18, 2009


But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and holds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.

Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."

It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.

A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.

Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, Hello or Thank You.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Expect it

Rarely will you ever accomplish more than you expect to accomplish. So get in the habit of expecting the best. Your expectations by themselves do not create your reality, but they do indeed set the direction for it.

What do you expect to achieve today, this week, or this month? How do you expect other people to relate to you? Expectations guide our actions. When we know what is expected it gives us a clear plan for exactly what to do.

Whatever you sincerely expect, you will work for, you will nurture, you will persist for and give power to. Those things will serve to make it happen. Expectations powerfully influence both your conscious and subconscious actions.

If you expect the day to be dreary and boring, most likely it will be. When you expect the day to be productive and fulfilling, you'll find yourself acting to satisfy those expectations. Make it a point to expect the best, and then commit to following those expectations.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We humans are explorers. We go places, just because we've never been there before. We explore new ways of expressing ourselves, new methods for doing business, new technologies.

Exploration embodies some of the most positive qualities that we can attain. It is an act of faith, of courage, optimism, confidence, discipline and self reliance. Exploration is curiosity with commitment, with risk, and with the potential for great reward.

The best explorers are serious and disciplined enough to survive, yet at the same time bold, open-minded and energetic. Explorers are highly resourceful, making the most use of what they have. Explorers are clearly focused, and yet always maintain a child-like wonder at the discoveries which are unfolding around them.

Whatever you do, take time to explore. There is so much for you to discover -- places, people, ideas, techniques, perspectives. And your spirit of exploration will bring out the best in you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hands on the wheel

No one would dare to drive down the highway without their hands on their car's steering wheel. Yet we often cruise down the highway of life with no hands on the wheel.

The mind is like a steering wheel for living. Whatever way it is turned, life obediently follows. And when we fail to exercise control of our mind, life becomes reckless. Instead of keeping our hands firmly on the wheel, instead of purposefully directing our thoughts, we let our minds get turned in every which direction.

The results are often disastrous. Our lives weave into oncoming traffic, and we get hit head on. We often leave the road completely, and head out over rough terrain, which jolts us and jars us until we finally break down.

In life, as in driving a car, the swiftest, most reliable progress is made by staying firmly in control. To do that, we must know where we're going, we must plot a route to get there, and we must be disciplined enough to keep our hands firmly on the steering wheel.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


How much time do you spend working on something, after you've already finished it? Knowing when to stop, and having the discipline to move on to the next challenge, is a great way to get more accomplished.

Overkill is a tempting way to procrastinate while still "looking busy." Changing the font of every heading in a report that you've already finished is far easier than picking up the phone and calling prospects. Yet which would make the best use of your precious time?

Details are important. Doing your best is important. And results are vitally important. Achievement demands more than just being busy. Results count. Focus on being effective, rather than being busy. Direct your energy toward getting results, and you will achieve them.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fear This?

We must avoid danger, though not to the extent that we avoid life. At some point, the fear becomes more damaging than the thing that is feared. There is some risk in everything. Life in this world simply cannot be risk free and fully guaranteed.

Those who truly succeed are willing to accept the risk of failure. Those who find true love have risked a broken heart. There are risks to every action, and yet the risks of inaction can be far greater. When you hide yourself away from the world, what is it you are saving? What is left to protect?

The world can be a dangerous place. Proceed with caution, but by all means do proceed. Take calculated risks. Put yourself on the line. Don't get left behind while waiting for a sure thing. Be a part of life, not afraid of it. The most stinging regrets are for things never attempted.

When you participate, when you take action, there is indeed the possibility of failure and disappointment. Yet when you decline to take action, failure is not just a possibility -- it is certain.

Let your fear instruct and prepare you. Don't let it stop you. Move confidently ahead and live with all the fullness that life can offer.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One at a Time

Where do we start? People tell me about their work, relationship, family, exams, etc., and how difficult it is to handle situations, emotions, and pressures. I too share my own ups and downs with my friends.

We never could provide each other answers, but we sure know that ultimately we will overcome them or rather we have to. It is indeed important to plan for the future but it is important to also understand that achievements take time. As one proverb goes ".. a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step..".

I believe it is better to handle things at one's own pace then to plunge into it. We just have to concentrate on the building pieces of our lives, one at a time. Go through adversities, one at a time. Solve our problems, one at a time. Go through life, one step at a time. Beautiful paintings that have taken their place in history were not painted in a day, in a week, or in a month. It took time. Each brushstroke was just a little foundation on which a masterpiece rested. Similarly our lives are also a function of many single strokes.

Let's handle these strokes, one at a time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

If you knew

If you knew for certain that you could cause something to happen by thinking about it, by focusing on it, day after day, moment by moment, what would it be?

If you knew without a doubt that you could achieve anything you set out to do, what would you commit yourself to accomplish?

If you knew that your life would be an exact out-picturing of your most deeply held beliefs, what would you believe? If you knew that it was impossible to think one way and live another way, what would you think?

If you were convinced that there was opportunity in every situation, how would you live? If you knew for sure that every disciplined effort would bring multiple rewards, how diligently would you work?

If you knew how to achieve success, what would you do -- right now?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How do you want it?

Success. You say you want it. It sounds good. It sounds right. But do you really, truly want it? Do you even know what it is?

"Success" is a vague and nebulous term. It is useful when dealing with principles but it falls short when applied to the reality of your life. The only attainable "success" is specific success. Generic success is impossible to achieve because it is impossible to clearly visualize and work towards.

You won't ever be very highly motivated to achieve "success." Effective motivation comes from pursuing specific, clearly defined goals. What does success mean to you? Think it through. Write it down. Connect yourself emotionally to it. Make it real in your mind. Know exactly what you're going for.

Do you really want it? Then determine exactly, precisely what it is and then go one step farther by clearly understanding why you want it. Hold on to that. Keep it at the forefront of your thoughts. And you will do what is necessary to have it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


The most dangerous knife is a dull one, because it is so difficult to control. Brute force without control is worse than useless -- it is destructive.

With power, comes the obligation to exercise control. Your actions are very powerful, particularly when viewed in the aggregate over a long period of time. The "little things" you do, day after day, add up to have a big influence on your world. Your thoughts are powerful as well. Everything you do, starts as a thought.

To wisely use the power of your thoughts and actions, you must exercise deliberate control. The power of your thoughts and actions, is already there. Your job is to control and direct that power. Without that control, you work against yourself. With focused control, you can achieve incredible fulfillment.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Love n Marriage

A student asks a teacher, "What is love?"

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders....may be there is a bigger one later.

Then he saw another bigger one... But may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.

Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he start to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.

So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.

The teacher told him, "...this is love... You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realise, you have already miss the person...."

"What is marriage then?" the student asked.

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, "this time you bring back a corn.... You look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get.... This is marriage."*


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You can do it

The biggest obstacle standing between you and anything you want, is your lack of belief that you can have it. Once you truly believe it is possible, once you can see yourself doing it or being it or having it, the rest is just details. With belief, plus the commitment to follow through and do whatever it takes, anything can be yours.

What is it that you truly want to do? You can do it. Realize that you are as capable as any person. See yourself doing it. Touch it. Hear it. Taste it. Walk inside of it. Drive around in it. Believe in it and believe that it is yours.

Everything you need to get there is available to you, when you believe and when you commit to getting there. Know that you can do it. Nothing can hold you back once you have belief and commitment. You will find a way.

Monday, March 23, 2009

What will it take?

What will it take to get where you really want to go? To have the things you really want to have? To be the person you really want to be?

What will it take?

It will take work. Hard work. Late nights. Frustration. Sacrifice. Discipline. Effort. Disappointment. Discomfort. It will take your total commitment. It will take the best that you have to give.

If you think that sounds tough, consider the alternative. Regret. Wondering what you could have done if only you had given it your best shot. The waste of a life half lived, and you can't go back.

So the choice is up to you: an easy path with a heartbreaking destination, or a challenging path with a destination of fulfillment and joy.

Any way you cut it, life is difficult. But is that really so bad? It is in the challenges that we grow. It is in overcoming the difficulties that we find our greatest accomplishments. Face life head-on, deal with the challenges as they come. Accept that life is difficult, quit wishing or pretending that it is easy, and you will then be free to live with joy and purpose and fulfillment.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

You are MORE

You are more than the body you live in. You are more than the car you drive. You are more than the title on your business card. You are more than your past. You are more than your daily routine.

You are everything that you dare to imagine, filled with possibility. Your only limits are the ones you place on yourself. Think of the things you can do, the places you can go, the person you can be.

You are capable of greatness, of joy. You can love and laugh, create and build, think and choose, learn and grow, dream and accomplish. Now is the time to live your possibilities. Imagine how it could be, and go for it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The wife and the window

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hang the wash outside.

That laundry is not very clean, she said, she doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.

Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this."

The husband said: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!"

And so it is with life:
"What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look. Before we give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good rather than to be looking for something in the person we are about to judge."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Do the groundwork

The mighty tree grows from a seed in two directions. Before it grows upward to the sky, it sends shoots down into the ground, its roots. The roots anchor and nourish the tree, so it can then grow to be tall and magnificent.

For every tree that reaches high into the sky, there are firm roots -- unseen, yet absolutely critical. Without the roots, the tree would topple, or it would wither from lack of water and nourishment.

When we look at a person of accomplishment and success, we often see the tree, but not the roots. Success looks so easy in others, because we fail to see all the hard work and preparation that went into laying the foundation -- the roots -- for their success.

Lasting accomplishment is possible only when you have first built a solid foundation of discipline and preparation.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alphabets of Happiness


Accept others for who they are and for the choices they've made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions.


B--Break Away

Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life.



Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness with.



Decide that you'll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way.



Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you'll learn more about yourself.



Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes.



Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way.



Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task.



Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds.



Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day, and you'll grow.



Know that no matter how bad things seem, they'll always get better. The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter.



Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there's room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there's room for endless happiness.



Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you'll suffer less stress and worry. Then you'll be able to focus on the important things in life.



Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding.



Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there's still much to be thankful for.



Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness.



Ask many questions, because you're here to learn.



Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, and remember that things always have a way of working out in the end.



Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest in others will return to you many times over.



Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You'll be amazed by what you can accomplish.



Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that's wasted has no value. Talent that's used will bring unexpected rewards.



Value the friends and family members who've supported and encouraged you, and be there for them as well.



Work hard every day to be the best person you can be, but never feel guilty if you fall short of your goals. Every sunrise offers a second chance.


Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you'll see the goodness and beauty within.



Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you'll find success at the end of the road.



Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, your dreams, and a brighter tomorrow.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Value and Grow

The things you value, are what become valuable in your life. You give value, you create value by your attention, your efforts, your commitment.

Value your work and it becomes more valuable. Value your home and it becomes more valuable. Value your life, your family, your faith, your body, your mind -- and they all become more valuable. Value your ideas and they become more valuable. Value your time and it becomes more valuable. Value your money and it becomes more valuable.

Value is not determined by a price tag. The value of anything is the value you give it. What do you value? What do you want to grow and become abundant in your life? Give yourself to those things which you value and they will certainly flourish.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

we know... but we forget

The most useless thing to do................ Worry

The greatest Joy.............................. Giving.

The greatest loss .......................... Loss of self-respect.

The most satisfying work ................... .Helping others.

The ugliest personality trait.................. Selfishness.

The most endangered species.............. Dedicated leaders.

The greatest "shot in the arm".............. Encouragement.

The greatest problem to overcome.......... Fear.

The most Effective sleeping pill............ Peace of mind.

The most crippling failure disease........ Excuses.

The most powerful force in life............. Love.

The most dangerous pariah.................. A Gossiper.

The world's most incredible computer..... The Brain.

The worst thing to be without............... Hope.

The deadliest weapon........................... The tongue.

The two most power-filled words.......... "I Can".

The greatest asset.................................. Faith.

The most worthless emotion................. Self-pity.

The most prized possession.................. Integrity.

The most beautiful attire........................ A Smile.

The most powerful channel of communication...... Prayer.

The most contagious spirit................... Enthusiasm.

The most important thing in the life....... God.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Either- Or

Don't get trapped by dualistic thinking. Just because A is true, does not make B false. Often, A and B can both be true.

The things you must do, can also be the things you want to do. What you give, can also be what you receive. What you teach, can also be what you learn. Your task can be difficult, and at the same time enjoyable. What is good for the customer, can also be good for the vendor.

Many times we make the mistake of defining things by what they are not. In so doing, we limit our thinking and our possibilities. In reality, there are very few opposites. Is teaching really the opposite of learning? Is female really the opposite of male? Is love really the opposite of hate? Is play really the opposite of work? Of course not. Many of the things we consider opposites, are in fact very similar. Our desire to classify and categorize, while often quite useful, can also be limiting.

Possibilities arise not from the destruction of other possibilities, but rather from the opening of the mind.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fail Forward

Failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is an important component of success.

Suppose you set an objective, take action, and then fail to reach that objective on the first attempt. Even though you have experienced a failure, you're in much better shape than you were before you started.

Because you've just learned, in a compelling and meaningful way, what doesn't work. And that puts you well on the way to finding what does work.

The greatest achievements of all time are built upon multiple failures. The greatest achievers are those who are willing to experience failure on their way to the success they know will most certainly come.

No one sets out with the intention of failing. Yet when failure comes, it is nothing to be ashamed of, and no reason to give up.

Learn to see failure as just another step in the process of success. And even when the failures come, they will serve to move you forward.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Learn Life!

The way to know is to do. You cannot know fully how something is to be done until you actually get started on it.

So go ahead and get started. From where you are, in this moment, take one first step forward, and once that step has been taken, look for another you can take.

What if you're not doing it the right way? You'll know soon enough that some changes are needed.

And you will not only have the opportunity to adjust your approach. You'll also have a better idea of what those adjustments should be.

Certainly you can seek the advice of others, and work to prepare yourself as best you know how. Yet to truly make progress, you must eventually make the leap of faith that consists of stepping forward and taking action.

Though you can learn much from studying the experience of others, the techniques that will work best for you are the ones you develop as you go along. Learn by doing, and in the doing you will achieve great things.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Making Mistakes

Mistakes are valuable reminders that you do not know it all. And as such, they provide golden opportunities to learn.

Mistakes are a sure sign that you're making progress. For when you make mistakes, it means you are putting forth effort and having an influence.

Mistakes are certainly no cause for shame. The greatest achievements require you to work your way through the greatest errors and misunderstandings.

Mistakes are not to be feared. For the same actions that enable you to make a mistake also put you in a position to correct it.

When you're willing to accept the possibility of mistakes, you're able to follow the best opportunities. When you become experienced at handling mistakes, you'll be skilled at creating real value.

Success comes not from avoiding all mistakes, but from learning to find a positive way forward no matter what may happen. With each mistake, get over it, get wisdom from it, and become even more effective than you were before.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The things you treasure

What are the things you treasure the most? It pays to carefully consider them.

Are the things you treasure things you have taken away from others or gained at their expense? Then those things will soon, in like manner, be taken away from you.

Do you need to be dishonest about who you are in order to have and enjoy the things you treasure? Then those things can surely steal all the joy from your life.

Or are the things you treasure the many ways in which you have given of yourself to the world? Then those good things will come back to you again and again, increasing in value and abundance.

Are the things you treasure things you have worked with passion and purpose to contribute to life? Then those things will grow in power and influence, and will enable you to create even more real goodness.

Look at the things you treasure, and you can see where your life will go. Choose wisely the things you treasure, and they will bring great richness to all you know

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The authentic you

Life's most beautiful and fulfilling moments are the most sincere and authentic ones. When you are being yourself, that is when you are at your best.

Why do you so quickly latch on to someone else's idea of success, while at the same time ignoring your own authentic dreams? Why do you so easily dismiss your own instincts and intuitions?

Others may claim to be experts in this field or that. Remember, though, that you are the expert when it comes to your own life.

Listen to the longings of your heart. Pay attention to that little voice inside of you.

For that voice knows you well. It knows what you can accomplish, what brings you joy, and what things you most highly value.

When something feels right, that's a reliable sign that it is. Choose to live each moment as the authentic person you are, and from those moments you will create much real and lasting richness.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

set a shining example

The world around you will follow the example that you set. The shortcomings in others that frustrate you the most are able to do so because they resonate with similar shortcomings in your own life.

Make improvements in your own attitude and behavior, and you'll see corresponding improvements in those around you. Focus your own thoughts on the positive possibilities, and others will pick up on and emulate that focus.

Stop searching for blame and start mending what's broken. Stop seeking to judge and start putting your values into positive, productive action.

Your influence is far greater than you now realize. Use that influence wisely, to build, to grow, and to improve everything with which you are connected.

Every achievement, every injustice, every inspiration, every frustration that you notice has something to teach you about yourself. Learn the lessons well, apply them with true commitment, and you'll change your world as well as yourself.

Set a shining example with the way you live each day. For life is watching and busily following along with your every move.