A few things in life can never be explained, things, which might not make any sense to the practical mind. Things like – A drop of tear, which gathers near the bridge of the nose, when we laugh with happiness! A few things in life are more important than anything else, things, which might seem to be unimportant for the mind overloaded with to-do-lists! Things like – The nostalgic trip we take when we hear from a faraway and long forgotten friend. A few things in life do not matter, things, which might seem important for the mind chalking out strategies to reach its goal. Things like – Money that can buy you buildings, bungalows, gardens, etc. however cannot buy you the peace of mind that follows after being one with nature. A few things just skip our attention, things, which would make a lot of difference in our lives, things like – The innocent smile of a child, contagious, in the sense that it would make you smile too. The smile, which would make you feel inn...