Sexy is never Vulgar

I aint the sort to over look woman sexiness. I am some how always appreciating the sexy in woman as much as I do in men. So this is a uni-sexy post :P and please pour in your sexiness as you savor it, I am sure you'll end up having fun, if not let me know for future posts.

1. A great figure or physique is nice, but it's self-confidence that makes someone really sexy.
Vivica Fox
Jennifer has it in her, the confidence that shines out and stays so sexy!

2. A good photographer can make you look incredible, even when you're not feeling very sexy.
Cindy Margolis
Charlize Theron is the sexiest woman but some dats are less sexier than the rest, I doubt if she ever goes through a a sexi-less day but even if she does her pictures turn out so darn sexy!

3. Being strong can be also feminine. I don't think feminine equals being weak. Being strong is very sexy.
Sanaa Lathan
Ambrosio is just the girl who knows sexy in all. She sure is a sight for sore eyes and from no where does her sexiness spell vulnerability, she is way too strong and so very sexy!

4. Do I consider myself sexy? It all depends on the way I'm feeling. When I'm happy inside, that's when I feel most sexy.
Anna Kournikova
It shows for Scarlett, there is a glow on her face always, the glow is sexy, she is sexy!

5. Honesty is very sexy.
Valerie Bertinelli
Ms. Casta is super. I can't say anything about her but that her honesty pours in everything she does and so it all becomes tempting and luscious itself!

6. I can make a scene that's not supposed to be sexy, very sexy. It's a power you're born with. It's not a physical thing, it comes from inside. It's all in the eyes.
Tara Reid
Surely Jackman is the man for me, he knows the way to charm and sweep a woman off her feet. This dude is always sexy for me, always!

7. I definitely want people to laugh because I don't think there's a better feeling - I think it's just so fabulous to laugh. I don't mind if people think, either. I think the brain is a very sexy organ.
Kate Clinton
Orlando doesnt seem like he must be having it because of his cuteness but it is always there, so there. Everything.

8. I feel sexy when I get out of the tub - your skin is fresh and you've put up your hair without looking.
Shania Twain
Ahh the man. Depp Depp! in Deep waters of sexiness always!

9. I like to feel sexy. I know my husband thinks I'm sexy. I think he is too. But I don't go out half-naked with 'sex' written across my back.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
She is beautifully sexy. Nothing erotic about her. That is my kinda sexy. No lust involved. Only sexy!
10. I think people are sexy when they have a sense of humor, when they are smart, when they have some sense of style, when they are kind, when they express their own opinions, when they are creative, when they have character.
Suzanne Vega
I fell flat after I watched Twilight and this dude swept my life out of my existence. I was shocked and I couldn't stop and stare. I just couldn't!

11. You don't have to be naked to be sexy.
Nicole Kidman
Kim isn't naked but she sure adds glam to lingerie shoots. Something in her attitude perhaps, because I have seen her without makeup and even then she is tempting as she appears above.

12. I think trying too hard to be sexy is the worst thing in the world anyone can do.
Christian Bale
She never has to try. Just a tilt of her head ticks it to sexy.

13. Sexy is kind of like an aura around someone.
Shane West
Breathless he left me when I watched Eternal Sunshine and Majestic. Full of surprises and in all skins, very sexy!
So are you with me on this? Is this how you see sexy?
My sexy isn't at all about stripping and minimal clothing. It is all about the attitude, the charm that is beyond the face and body. Yes a good body is an asset but stripping off and appearing stupidly in public is just vulgar and not sexy. There is a fine line between sexy and vulgar and it takes a witty man and woman to know where the line is. I am not saying I am the guru of definitions and knowing but I sure have seen and made my mind about it.
A fitted t-shirt and bursting boobs isn't my definition of sexy ever. Yes maybe wearing a white shirt (of your partner) with out of bed hair, that is sexy. That is actually very sexy.
So what is your call on sexy?