
Showing posts from June, 2009

Watching ur thoughts

Hold one hand out in front of you, look at it carefully, and then use it to pick up some object -- a pencil, a paper clip, your computer's mouse. Watch your hand as it holds the object. Then set the object back down and release it. Though the object is not a part of you, you can pick it up and use it when needed, and then set it aside when you're finished. Now, in the same way that you've just observed your body, try observing the thoughts which course through your mind. Take a figurative "step back," and see each thought as it comes into your mind. Detach yourself from the thoughts and see them as things which your mind picks up, holds, and then discards. Realize that although they are very useful and influential in your life, your thoughts are not you. If there's a negative, limiting thought occupying your mind, you have the ability to set it aside. The next time a frustrating, angry or despairing thought finds its way into your consciousnes...

Take it up a notch

It takes just as much effort to live poorly as it does to live well. It takes just as much effort to be mediocre as it does to be magnificent. As long as you're going to put in the time, you might as well make it count. There are many people who pay to play golf, and there are some who get paid millions of dollars to play golf. There are some people who earn a few dollars per hour cooking food, and others who earn millions doing it. The difference is not in the time or effort expended, but rather in the commitment to excellence. The minimum wage cook is thinking about what he'll do when his shift is over. The millionaire chef is thinking of ways to improve his food. And they both get exactly what they dwell upon. Whatever can be done, can be done better. Your situation doesn't limit you. There is opportunity for excellence in every situation. Any limitations you have are the result of your own attitude. Take it up a notch. Aim a little higher today, and hi...

The pain is not taking action

The two most powerful motivators are the desire to have pleasure and the desire to avoid pain. Of these two, the desire to avoid pain is usually strongest. Normally, we will do more to avoid pain than we will do to seek pleasure. Is there something you know you need to do, that you have not done? Chances are, the reason you haven't done it is because there is some kind of pain associated with it. Even though taking action could eventually bring you much pleasure, your desire to avoid pain is even stronger than your desire for pleasure. It prevents you from doing what needs to be done. So how do you get around this? Instead of focusing on the pain of doing it, focus on the pain of NOT doing it. It is painful to quit smoking, or start an exercise program, or make cold calls, or learn a new skill, or to do anything that will improve your life. And yet it is even MORE painful to not do these things. Focus on that bigger, long term pain and it will motivate you to act....

Life's Energy!

Anyone who knows the basics of sailing can maneuver their boat to the desired destination, regardless of the wind direction. The ability to adjust the sails appropriately, and the amount of wind, are of far greater importance than the wind's direction. Winners and achievers in life know how to use all of life's energy -- the tail winds AND the head winds -- to move ahead toward goal achievement. Fear gives us the heightened sense of awareness necessary for taking on difficult situations. Challenges give us superb opportunities for learning and growing. Setbacks and obstacles strengthen our resolve and determination. That is, if we decide to take them that way. You can't control the wind, but you can control how to set your sails. And you can't control what life hands you, but you have complete control over what you do with it. Fear, setbacks, obstacles, and challenges can easily blow you off course -- or they can supply the energy to propel you ahead. ...

Watch and Imitate

The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion. -- Jean-Claude Killy Do you want to be successful in any particular undertaking? Then find someone else who has done it, and do exactly what they did. Model your actions on successful experience. Successful people are not simply lucky. Luck has nothing to do with it. Success comes from specific actions, taken in a specific way. Winners make it look easy, and effortless, but it is not. Behind every successful person is a long line of effort, a specific sequence of actions. Discover what those actions are, repeat them, and you too can have the same result. Don't waste your time directing envy or resentment toward successful people. Instead, be curious. Find out all you can. Ask questions. Read books and articles. Listen. Observe. Learn from the experience of those who have reached the top, and you'll be on your way there.

5 lessons learnt yesterday

Stop waiting for your turn to speak and take some time to listen. You might learn something wonderful. People will always talk negatively about others when they have nothing relevant to say themselves. Nothing is as complicated as your mind makes it out to be. Give people time. After all, they’re only human. Nothing is guaranteed except for the moment you are in; make the most of it in case it is the last one you have.

You are Loved

You are loved. I know that you’ve heard it before, but take a moment to really think about it. Think about the people who see something special in you—something worth treasuring. Think about the ones who feel blessed because you are in their life, in whatever way. Because no one in forced to love you. Yet they choose to, every day. Hating is easy. It’s as simple as picking out something in another person—however small or big—and running with it. But loving, that isn’t so simple. Loving another is an investment, and it is not as easy as settling on a single aspect of a person. To love takes work. So RIGHT NOW, stop reading this and think about all the people who consider you worth it. Think of all the ones who are willing to put an emotional investment into you. Think about the people who care about you and see something wonderful in you. Yes, you are loved.

Imagine Yourself

Imagination is our strongest tool -- basically, the ability to see ordinary things in new ways. -- Keith Herrmann Imagine your perfect day. You are surrounded by the people you most enjoy and admire. You are in your favorite place. You are doing what you love to to, and you're very good at it. You have all the things you need to enjoy life, to be effective and fulfilled. There is no limit to what you can imagine. And whatever you can imagine, you can become. Yet imagination is only the first step. To get there, action is also needed. Imagination will guide that action. Most of us are taking some kind of action all the time. We have no shortage of action. Without imagination though, many of our actions are wasted. Imagination will guide your actions in the direction of your dreams. Imagine yourself being, doing, having whatever you want. See it vividly in all its detail. Feel it. Enjoy it. See it so completely and so realistically that you lit...


People deserve first chances and second chances. Sometimes third chances, depending on the circumstances. But never fourth chances. By the time it comes to fourth chances, you are the one being played. In my experience, there is never an exception for fourth chances. You deserve better.

now you are here

Stop for a moment and consider how great it is to be alive. Think of the beautiful, abundant universe that surrounds you. Reflect on the wealth of possibilities in your life. Think of the people who care about you. Sure, you have problems. But what joy would there be if you had no challenges? Right now, take a deep breath and feel how good it is to be alive, to be creative, to be capable of living each moment with as much joy as you choose to experience. Today is a magnificent day to be alive. Right now you have the opportunity to make a difference, in your own life, in the lives of others, in the world. You've come a long way to arrive at today. All the effort you've put into life thus far, has brought you to this place, this time. All the things you've learned, all your experiences, all the people you know, all the actions you've taken, have culminated in today. Now that it's here, you finally have the chance to live this day for all it's wort...

there is a reason

There is something that will get you out of bed in the morning. There is something that will give you the strength to keep on going past the many obstacles which stand in your way. It could be something you want to accomplish, something you want to have, the person you want to become, something you need to experience. It could be your family, your spiritual faith, your desire to be the best in your field, your fascination with a particular subject. It could be many things, and it is different for everyone. Yet one thing is certain. There is something, some reason within you, that will drive you, that will give energy to your efforts, that will motivate you to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment. It will compel you to learn, to grow, to be effective, to be disciplined and focused, to become the best that you can possibly be. There is a reason behind all you do. Find it, understand it, constantly keep it in mind, and it will bring the power of purpose to your e...