You are Loved

You are loved. I know that you’ve heard it before, but take a moment to really think about it. Think about the people who see something special in you—something worth treasuring. Think about the ones who feel blessed because you are in their life, in whatever way. Because no one in forced to love you. Yet they choose to, every day.

Hating is easy. It’s as simple as picking out something in another person—however small or big—and running with it. But loving, that isn’t so simple. Loving another is an investment, and it is not as easy as settling on a single aspect of a person. To love takes work.

So RIGHT NOW, stop reading this and think about all the people who consider you worth it. Think of all the ones who are willing to put an emotional investment into you. Think about the people who care about you and see something wonderful in you.

Yes, you are loved.

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