there is a reason
There is something that will get you out of bed in the morning. There is something that will give you the strength to keep on going past the many obstacles which stand in your way. It could be something you want to accomplish, something you want to have, the person you want to become, something you need to experience. It could be your family, your spiritual faith, your desire to be the best in your field, your fascination with a particular subject.
It could be many things, and it is different for everyone. Yet one thing is certain. There is something, some reason within you, that will drive you, that will give energy to your efforts, that will motivate you to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment. It will compel you to learn, to grow, to be effective, to be disciplined and focused, to become the best that you can possibly be.
There is a reason behind all you do. Find it, understand it, constantly keep it in mind, and it will bring the power of purpose to your efforts.
It could be many things, and it is different for everyone. Yet one thing is certain. There is something, some reason within you, that will drive you, that will give energy to your efforts, that will motivate you to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment. It will compel you to learn, to grow, to be effective, to be disciplined and focused, to become the best that you can possibly be.
There is a reason behind all you do. Find it, understand it, constantly keep it in mind, and it will bring the power of purpose to your efforts.