Happiness is...

Happiness for me is a combination of happenings, things, situations and people.

The perfect bunch of red roses, the scent of coffee early in the morning, the cloudy day, strawberry topped with whipped cream, a compliment from someone unexpected, the basket of fruits served with ice tea, listening to a piece of music that makes me wanna get up and dance, seeing a photo that speaks without any words, thinking outside of the usual, happiness is talking to someone about everything under the roof and touching a life every day, a random act of kindness, a peck on the nose, sharing in others joy, giving a present, smiling at someone who hadn't expected it, the right makeup and an oil free skin day, lunch prepared by mom and attending to dad with his cup of tea and biscuits after he gets home from work and much much more.

Sometimes just thinking about my happiness makes me happy. Now it's your turn to know what happiness is for real...

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