
Showing posts from March, 2010

Caustic Love

If only I hadn’t let the hunches in my heart dictate the course of my life to you. I took your caustic love for healing and sacrificed my essence for you – only to wish now that I could have me back and let you go once and for all.

And with past returning ........ could reach its source

Learning your ways, finding myself wanting To see what’s on the very next page, lingering Lovingly until true understanding comes my way, Knowing that a lifetime of loving could easily be spent ... This way, for they say you have truly lived, if you learn Something new each day….

closer to reality

The more clearly you can visualize something, the closer it is to becoming reality. Imagine owning a brand new luxury car. Now, imagine doing the things necessary to obtain that new car. Now, imagine being the person who is capable of doing those things. Now, imagine taking the necessary steps to be that person. See yourself taking the steps to be the person who can do the things necessary to purchase a new luxury car. The more real it becomes in your mind, the closer it is to actual reality. When you absolutely know that something will happen in your life, it will happen. That's not to say that anything is effortless, or that you can just "think" something into existence. Every moment you are making some kind of effort. A clearly defined, sharply focused visualization of what you want to accomplish, will align those efforts to bring about whatever you can intensely visualize. You are a bundle of energy, creativity and effectiveness, waiting to be directed b...


Yes I confess! I brazenly nuzzle against your silhouette in my head when my hunger for you screams in lust!

Lesson Learned in Life

I'm slowly leaning that even if I react, it wont change anything. It won't make people suddenly love and respect me. It wont magically change their minds. Sometimes it's better to just let things be, let people go, don't fight for closure, don't ask for explanations, don't chase answers and don't expect people to understand where you're coming from. I'm slowly learning that life is better lived when you don't center it on what's happening around you and center in on what's happening inside you instead. 

three am thoughts

I can 1000% admit I am such an absent friend. I won't text everyday, we might not see each other for a longtime. I will care, I still appreciate everything we have been through. I am here to be proud of your success & happiness, I always will be .    -  lady á™  ʚɞ

three a.m thoughts

WHAT PEOPLE THINK WE GRIEVE  • The person we lost WHAT WE ACTUALLY GRIEVE • All the moments they’re missing  • The memories that can no longer be made  • The love that can no longer be expressed  • The empty chair at the dinner table  • The happy moments we long to share with them  • The sad moments we wish we could lean on them for  • The phone calls that will never happen again  • The conversations that now linger silently in the spaces between our thoughts  • Our life before they left  • All the future plans we made  • The person we lost -ʚɞ..LadyB..ʚɞ

Your Most Trusted Advisor

There is one person whom you have no choice but to believe -- yourself. Just to make sense of the world, you must believe what you say to yourself. To do otherwise would lead to insanity. The problem is, not everything you tell yourself is in your best interest. Have you ever caught yourself saying "I'll never get that done" or "I'm just no good at this"? Now what is the point of saying something like that to yourself? There is no point! It accomplishes nothing but to convince you of your own weakness. When you catch yourself doing this, STOP. And instead, tell yourself something like "I'm making good progress on that" or "I'm getting better and better at this." Whatever you say to yourself, you'll believe. And whatever you believe, you'll be. That is the power of positive affirmations. They're not just "feel good" escapist rituals -- they actually program your mind for success. After all, y...

Start Living!

Sometimes the wall graffiti says much for inspiration than regular writer stuff. How do you interpret the above is all up to you. You wanna stay constipated and die choked, that is completely your decision. Rest assured I hate constipated egoistical bastards. It just goes hand in hand. Don't mind my french please!

Problem Solving !

To solve many pressing problems that haunt us one should ignore the conventional methods and enter the world of unconventional thinking to problem solving. Unconventional methods can sometimes easily solve problems that conventional methods cannot. Given below are a few unconventional methods that one can try when struck with a nagging problem. Let it go: We often believe a solution will appear if we keep attacking a a problem relentlessly. Unfortunately, solving many problems is similar to chasing a beautiful butterfly. SO LET IT GO Sleep over it: Each one of use is a mysterious and magnificent machine. Behind our normal physical existence there lies a vast untapped world that we are not fully aware. GET OVER IT Wait for the destined hour: Sometimes you have to think philosophically. It will get over when it is time. STOP DRIVING YOURSELF MAD

Learn to Ride!

For God sakes. Just Breathe and Breathe in.. Breathe out... The more you are agitated the more you can cause the world to tumble. I am not a perfect person and I don't yearn to be perfect. Within the chaos of people and crowds I have learned to live the way I want. People will think what they have to, Some will envy and others will bitch, But at the end of the DAY... they are green-eyed, cuz I AM RICH hahaha.. Live with it!

It will reflect.

If you are onto a road that will lead you to a garden, you will be there when you end your journey. If you wander off into deserts and let the air rot you, you sure will end up in a rotten barren land, which surely you did not have in mind. Jot down where you have to be today, for tomorrow when you reach there, you be blessed.

Make a Life!

Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of us have only a vague idea of where we want to be in life. We get up in the morning, to go to work, then come home to relax, make dinner, watch TV, and go to bed, only to get up again the next day and begin all over again. Most of us get so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. Do you have a life?

Veil me

If I could only modify the behavior of love towards me . I wish it were as obedient as my heart and as dedicated as my soul. I wish it could veil me from the eyes of the rest of the world, just so no one falls in love with me because I love one and she isn't with me right – please pray all!

Life's Struggles

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly t...