why would you?

Why would you ever choose to be unhappy? Why would you ever neglect to do the things that bring fulfillment and joy to your life? Why would you ever want to hold yourself back from your own possibilities?

Perhaps because it is "easier" to just coast along, not really ever making a difference, not ever striving for what you know you could accomplish. But is it really easier? Is a life of comfort and mediocrity any less painful than a life of effort and accomplishment?

The pain of effort, no matter how intense, is temporary. It is more than compensated for by the achievement which the effort produces. The alternate pain of regret however, is permanent. After all, if you could make it go away, it would not be regret.

Do you think that empty pleasure will ever make you happy? Can you see yourself as ever knowing fulfillment, if you have not made the effort to create a life of value?

This moment, this day, this life is your golden opportunity to fulfill the magnificent possibility of you.

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