
You can fill the darkest day with hope, just by the way you decide to look at it. Anger, frustration, and dismay are not the result of your circumstances -- they are the result of your reaction to circumstances.

Your situation may indeed be difficult. The obstacles may appear to be insurmountable. It may seem that the whole world is against you. Yet that is all the more reason to look up, to look ahead, to find something positive you can grab on to. You may have every reason to despair, yet despair will only keep you down. Is that what you really want?

You control your reactions. You're in complete control of the way you interact with the world around you. Any particular circumstance can be good news or bad news, depending on what you make of it. Everything that holds you back, has the potential to move you ahead.

Your life is overflowing with possibilities, if only you will decide to live them.

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