The Emotional Bank Account

When it comes to improving and maintaining our relationships with others, Stephen Covey’s metaphor of the Emotional Bank Account is probably one of the most powerful ideas ever created for the development of interpersonal relationships. If you’ve never heard of this, it basically means that anyone with whom we have a relationship with, whether it be our coworkers, family or friends, we maintain a personal “emotional” bank account with them. This account begins on a neutral balance. And just as with any bank account, we can make deposits and withdrawals. However, instead of dealing with units of monetary value, we deal with emotional units.

Speaking disrespectfully
Putting people down
Acting in rude and discourteous ways

Never saying "I'm sorry" or saying it insincerely

Criticizing, complaining and talking about others in negative ways when they're not around

Never making commitments to anyone, or making commitments and rarely following through

Being quick to take offense
Holding grudges
Throwing people's past mistakes up to them
Nurturing grievances

Being kind


Being loyal to those not present

Making and keeping promises


Save today for spending tomorrow :)

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