It is possible... *parte uno

* to live your life the way you always dreamed.
** for two kindred souls to meet and discover a bond like never before.
*** to patiently wait and never give up hope.
**** for someone to mean the world to you within no time.
***** for someone to make each day in your life complete without even knowing it.
****** for love to manifest into something unexplainable.
******* for your most undefined relationship to be your most fulfilling.
******** to let go and yet never walk away.
********* to stand by your faith even as the world mocks your belief.
********** to love like you’ve never loved before.
*********** for someone to come into your life out of the blue and wish they’d never go away.
************ to want to lie in someone’s arms and wish for time to freeze.
************* to feel like each second is slipping away when you’re with them.
************** to feel a karmic connection with someone you’ve just met.