Make a Difference

Don't become so caught up in the effort itself that you lose sight of the reason for it. Always remember that there is a living, feeling, knowing person inside of you.

Don't become so overwhelmed by the consequences of your mistakes that you fail to learn their valuable lessons. Always remember that there are plenty of positive aspects to any living experience.

Don't become so angry or bitter or resentful that you bring darkness to the world in which you live. Always remember that you are connected to all you see and know.

Don't be too quick to pass judgment on the people and situations that come your way. Always remember that they are more than they first appear.

Don't use anything that has happened as an excuse to give up. Always remember that you can make a difference in this moment, and move positively forward from any setback.

Always remember that life is magical, miraculous, with possibilities that have no limit. And you are here now to live it fully.

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