
Showing posts from April, 2010

the good in you

The joys you have gathered were not the result of any particular circumstance. They came to you because you opened yourself up to life's goodness, and they are still with you even though many things may have changed

Pic Talk


What do you expect?

Life will pay any price you ask of it. -- Anthony Robbins What do you expect to be doing next week? Six months from now? Five years from now? I'm not really talking about goals, or new year's resolutions. Rather, what do you really expect you'll be doing? If you want the best out of life, you must expect the best. Because whatever you expect of yourself, whatever you expect for yourself, is what you will get. Expectation is not the same as wishing. You can wish for a million dollars, you can even convince yourself that it will somehow fall into your hands. Yet if wishing is all you do, it won't happen. On the other hand, if you truly expect to be a millionaire, and if that expectation pervades all of your actions on a daily basis, then you'll find yourself doing whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to make your expectation a reality. True expectations influence every area of your life, and that is how they work their magic. ...

Are you willing to change?

our life right now is the result of the things you have done up until this point in time. If you want your life to be different, you will need to make changes. Wishing for a better life won't make it so. In order for "things" to change, you must be willing to change. That means getting out of your comfort zone. It means facing your fears. It means you may need to change your career, your friends, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, where you live, your daily schedule. You are remarkably adaptable. If you've made it this far, you have already gone through many major changes in all aspects of your life. From being an infant to a toddler to a child to a teen to an adult, the first few years of your life were filled with constant change. You are certainly up to the task. Almost always, the fear of change, the fear of the unknown, is worse than the change itself. Once you understand this, then you realize that it is easier to change than to resist c...

Look there it is! Success

You can start at anytime if you want to be successful. But you have to start. START NOW! You won't accomplish anything if you wait for all the possible objections to be overcome. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most. Don't be afraid to live. Don't wait for things to change. Don't wait until you have more time, until you are less tired, until you get the promotion, until you settle down, until, until, until. TOO MUCH TO DO.. THE TIME IS NOW! Don't wait for a major eventin your life to occur before you begin to live. Begin where you are. Work where you are. The hour you are wasting now, dreaming of some far off success, is crowded with tremendous possibilities. When you take the first step, your mind will mobilize all its forces to assist you. Once you have started, all that is within and around you will come to your assistance. Kapeeeeeeeeeeeesh? The only way to start down the road to success is to start.

Whose Life is it Anyway?

It's your life. You decide what you're going to do with it. If you don't run your own life, someone else will. You're in control of your life to the degree that you make decisions. To control the outcome of anything, you control the action at the point of decision making. If you let others make decisions for you, you give up control. When you control the decisions, you control the actions. Take charge of your life, so there is no longer a need to ask permission of others. When you ask permission, you are giving someone veto power over your life. Only you are responsible for your life. Take control and start making those decisions.

If and only!

There is nothing wise about IF... this is the sort of dream that will never be fulfilled. Yes Dreaming about tomorrow is wise, Dreaming about yesterday is foolishness. Your next breath is a God given chance to rectify. Maybe you are not looking close enough. See it and be grateful! For your sake!

lose yourself

There have been moments when you've forgotten yourself. And in those moments you've caught glimpses of how powerful it can be to set your ego aside. Gently relax your obsession with being you, and more fully experience what truly is. Open your eyes all the way and see the immense abundance that is all around.

Silly Billy

Someday you'll see how silly it is to consume yourself with worry about what others think of you. And someday you'll see how silly it is to ignore those things that matter most, just for the sake of a quick, fleeting pleasure.

Bright Spots

Though many circumstances may not be perfect, there are perfectly good, positive, life-affirming responses available to you. Respond to life from a perspective of love, and your response will have real, lasting power. Life is rich and complicated, ever-changing and coming at you from every direction. You always have the opportunity to make the very most of it all. Whatever may be going on in your life, there are bright spots that you can find and build upon and utilize to create great value. Even now those bright spots are there, ready for you to develop into something truly special.


Excellence is won through the pursuit of perfection. As we keep competing with ourselves, as we shave off a second from our running record, or make a chapatti rounder than our earlier attempt, we land on the cutting edge of excellence. We are as good as we can get today. Tomorrow, we will push the envelope once again. Life begins to be truly exciting and even mundane tasks become absorbing when we approach them from this vantage view. Washing dishes, sweeping the floor, cooking, cutting vegetables, making a balance sheet, directing traffic, driving, each of them can help us get that much closer to perfection. , like other absolute ideals, can never be won, but its pursuit is the most powerful drive we have to move along the path of growth and self-realization.

three a.m thoughts

Posted a picture of myself having a good time I thought that it was beautiful, but you were unkind I tried not let it get under my skin But somehow the hurt got in My life isn′t perfect, but it's real and it′s mine Like an old photograph that's fading overtime I tried not to let it get under my skin But somehow the hurt gets in You know who you are..

be what you wish to see

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” so how far are you aiming?


We all make them. We must make assumptions, on many different levels, just to get through the day. Yet assumptions can be very limiting, when we forget that we're making them. Making assumptions can hinder communication, such as when you assume someone understands what you're talking about, and they don't. Assumptions can limit creativity, when you dismiss ideas with a hasty "that'll never work." Here's an assumption that will neutralize assumptions -- assume the preposterous. For example, assume that it would be bad to get more new business, and then look at the reasons why. What you learn might improve your profits. Remember that behind every judgment you make, there are assumptions. What are yours? The same old assumptions, often lead to the same old results. To break new ground, break free of your old assumptions. Challenge them, flip them around, turn them upside down, and you'll see many new, exciting possibilities.

Feel the way you choose

From nothing, in an instant, you can create joy. Where there was none before, you can express love. Do you realize the awesome power in your ability to feel the way you choose to feel? With that power you can change the world. You're extraordinarily skilled at changing your feelings, and you've had much experience at doing so. Feel the exquisite beauty of this moment, and watch as that beautiful feeling manifests in the world around you.

Rejoice in Womanhood


I have left my door open for you.

It is a beautiful day, today. Sunny, beautiful day. Sunshine caresses my skin softly. I can feel your hand in my hair. I have left my door open for you. Don’t be shy, it’s alright. It’s alright now. We’re fine now baby. We’re fine. bisous bisous.

Enjoy Life!

Find something to enjoy and to sincerely value about whatever you are doing. And you will add power and effectiveness to your efforts. Realize that anything is enjoyable to you solely because you have decided for it to be enjoyable. It's a decision that can create much value. Instead of fighting against your own actions, give energy to them. Instead of making yourself miserable, allow yourself to enjoy. It's great when you can make positive plans and enjoy following through on them. Yet even when things don't turn out as planned, you can find something to value and enjoy. Learn to find enjoyment in life's surprises, and those surprises can yield great treasure. Choose to enjoy those times when you get knocked off track, and you'll discover the quickest way to get back on track. You are at your best when truly enjoying life. So allow enjoyment to bring out your best in every situation.

Humility Means Give and Take of Love

Where there is humility there is the give and take of love. Usually we don't even know when we are working with our ego because it is deeply concealed. Even when someone points out our ego, we don't want to accept it and we continue to work with it. Ego finishes the ability to learn and negatively effects our relationships because there is no give and take of love. The method to overcome ego is to develop humility. Humility means to be strong within yet to be gentle and flexible. This enables us to bend i.e., to bow. When we bow it doesn't mean we are defeated, but it reveals our own victory. It is only when we bend and forgive will we be able to allow the flow of love in relationships.

Possibilities of Fulfillment

Fulfillment does not come from grabbing and holding something outside of you. Fulfillment is brought about by being the living expression of what you value most. The possibilities in life have no limit. Those possibilities you fulfill are the possibilities you choose to embrace and embody. Life is whatever you can sincerely imagine it to be. Those possibilities that you conceive of, understand, and value are the ones you bring to life. If you continually hold conflicting possibilities in your mind, then that same conflict will shape the events and circumstances of your life. Focus instead on the good, valuable, desirable possibilities that support and complement each other. The things you seek become yours when you allow your life to express them. Think of what you can do right now, in this moment, to bring to life your most treasured dreams and values. Every thought, every word, every action matters, and adds to the substance of your life. When all that you ...


As love deviated from the bond we shared, it left my heart and mind saturated with you and instead dissolved my identity , causing commotion and chaos within my existence.

Your Remedy is Within You

Ali (may God ennoble his countenance) said: ‘Your remedy is within you, but you do not sense it. Your sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it. You presume you are a small entity, but within you is enfolded the entire Universe. You are indeed the Evident Book, by whose alphabet the Hidden becomes Manifest. Therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself. What you seek is within you, if only you reflect’. Do I need to say anything at all after this? or you will now be the master of yourself?

On the inside

One day, your innermost imaginings will become your outermost reality. So what are you imagining? Is your inner self full of fear, anger, doubt and resentment? Or do you fill your innermost thoughts with love, faith, confidence, gratitude and joy? Whatever is on the inside will soon be on the outside, and will indeed define who you are. Make positive use of that control you have over your deepest, innermost self. Fill the inside with goodness, with love, with the best you can imagine. For what you keep inside, is what you do become.