
Showing posts from August, 2008

Your true moment!

This day is too valuable to waste. The people in your life are too beautiful to ignore. Take a moment to remember how fortunate you are to be you. Take a look around, with your eyes lovingly and enthusiastically open to the possibilities. Most of what you fear does not even exist. Much of what you love is closer than you realize. You are just one small step away from being on the path toward your most treasured dream. You are just one brief thought away from understanding the richness that is your life. You have traveled a long way to be where you are. With every step you have gained something of real and lasting value. Now is a day to move forward with more experience, knowledge and wisdom than ever before. Now is your moment to realize and fulfill the miracle that is your life.

No Pain No Gain

Pain is a lesson waiting to be learned. And by paying heed to the lesson, we can transcend the pain. If you touch a hot iron, it is painful. If you neglect to learn anything from the experience, the pain keeps coming back each time you touch the hot iron. When you learn the lesson that the pain has to teach, and avoid touching the hot iron, you never have to endure that pain again. What can you learn from the pain in your life? In every pain there is a lesson. Sometimes it's a lesson of avoiding mistakes. Other times it is a lesson of learning to accept, value and triumph over the challenges we face. Have you learned that you can't get something for nothing, or is your pain still trying to teach you that? Have you learned to live with purpose and focus, or are you still enduring the pain of learning that lesson? Free yourself from pain, by learning what it has to teach.

Assumptions BLAH!

Remember, your assumptions are just that... assumptions. They can be very helpful. Yet they can also cloud your judgment. Don't get so comfortable with your assumptions that you forget about them. They have a powerful influence, and it's your job to make sure they're in line with reality. Conditions change. The assumptions you developed when you were a child, probably no longer apply. Yet you may still be basing some decisions on them. Priorities change. The assumptions you depended on when you graduated from school, may no longer reflect what's important to you. The marketplace changes. The assumptions that led to last year's sales increase, may no longer be valid. When you have a decision to make, remember to examine your assumptions. Think about how you've grown, and how you've changed. Don't base today's decisions on yesterday's assumptions.

Comfort often is uncomfortable

Comfort is simply what we're used to. The marathon runner is more comfortable running than he is sitting still, even though running is very demanding physical effort. The successful salesperson is more comfortable making calls, than making excuses. The "couch potato" is more comfortable being uncomfortably overweight, than getting up and walking around the block a few times. Much of what we consider comfortable, isn't even very pleasurable. In fact, it is often downright unpleasant. Yet it is what we're accustomed to, and that's why we cling to it. Comfort is in the eye of the beholder. Commitment, focus and effective effort can be just as comfortable as laziness and indulgence. Is your desire for certain comforts holding you back? Then re-examine and re-define what you consider to be comfortable. Become comfortable doing the things that will move you in the direction of your dreams.

Read and React Immediately!

Look in the direction of what you think you cannot do, of what you've been reluctant to undertake. You'll see a pathway that leads to new levels of success and achievement. You've already done all the comfortable and familiar things. To create new value, step out into new territory. You've already successfully adjusted to countless new situations. You've already been able to move forward through all kinds of challenges. Now is the time to make use of that ability again. Now is when you can boldly venture into new, valuable, productive, effective territory and raise yourself to an even higher level than before. The fact that the challenges are daunting, serves to make the rewards that much greater. You have what it takes to meet those challenges and reach those rewards. Open yourself to the opportunities of living richly and making significant, continuing contributions to your world. Follow the possibilities into a bright, new territory of achieveme...

Drop the pretense

One of the most painful types of conflict is also the easiest conflict to avoid. It is the conflict you have with yourself. When the person inside is in conflict with the person you are on the outside, it drains your energy and damages your credibility. Yet in an instant, you can be rid of that conflict. All you have to do is be completely honest about who you are. Drop the pretense, and you rid yourself of a heavy burden. Stop pretending to be someone you're not. For even if you could manage to be convincing at it, you would gain nothing of real value. That real value lives in the authentic person you are. In your sincere and deeply felt passions you will find life's most delightful and fulfilling treasures. There's no need to live in conflict with yourself for even one moment longer. Let the true you shine through, and fulfill the wonderful possibilities that are uniquely yours.