
Showing posts from November, 2007

Live Life Fully

Life is what you make it. Make it beautiful. Your very best days are the days when you live with true purpose and joy. Make today one of those days. Fill this moment with meaning. Fill this life with the pure and limitless love that flows from deep within you. There are unique opportunities in every situation. Focus on bringing to life those possibilities that create the most value. Allow the best that is within you to freely flow far, far beyond you. Fall in love with life all over again and again. Feel the awesome power of purpose. And truly live the miracle that is you.

Promise of God

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. But God did promise strength for the day comfort for the tears and light for the way. and all who believe in His kingdom above. He answers their faith with everlasting love. I'll add to that and say the God promised so much more than that when you let Him be the ruler over your life, you'll see all those promises and much much more. God Bless

Do you have to explain?

Will you be wasting yourself ? Will you be on your knees for someone who will walk over you? Do you deserve that ? Do the people who have bought you in the world deserve that? Before you think you have to explain yourself, judge who you are first and then the person you are so eager to convince. A friend will never ask for reasons, a foe will never believe in any reason.


There is only one life. There will not be chances like this ever. You do know that once the cock ticks to the next minute some other opprtunity or possibility will knock? Why don't you take that call? Why don't you open the door? Are you scared of being you? Why do you let the fear of the unseen choke you? Being Safe is one thing, Being Insane is another. You sure are at a loss if you don't look and decide without it. May God give us the ability and strength!

Your greatest possibilities

What you need, others need as well. What you desire, so do others desire too. Following your dreams is not greedy. Pursuing your most deeply held desires is not selfish, for in so doing you also serve to fulfill the dreams and desires of those around you. What you do to make yourself the best you can be will benefit others, most likely even more than it benefits you. What you do to serve others will likewise benefit you as well. When you sincerely examine your desires, you'll find that you have at least as much, and probably even more desire to give of yourself as to receive. Surely you have yearned to be of use, to make a difference, to express yourself. And how would these be possible if not in the service of others? Be the best you can be and you make your world the best it can be. Truly make a positive difference and you'll fulfill your greatest possibilities.

Dream On

It is surely a blessing that dreams do not instantly come true. For if your dreams were to immediately be fulfilled, you would never have the pleasure of dreaming them. The anticipation of an achievement is an important part of the value of that achievement. Having something to look forward to gives enormous richness to life. It is good to achieve your dreams, and yet it is also good to hold on to them, to nurture, refine and appreciate them before they have been reached. In so doing, by the time the dream is achieved, it has developed a real and profound meaning. Working toward a goal is what makes that goal worth having. The fact that a dream has not yet been fully realized is what makes that dream so enticingly desirable. Go ahead and dream big, wonderful, positive and intimately meaningful dreams. For they're the ones that will get you to move diligently and persistently forward. Your dreams will not come true in an instant, yet they can instantly begin to provi...

Make it your Reason!

Even if I did not have a profession to support my strong stance, I'd still tell them off by this. Ah well everyone has the liberty to pour as they like. If someone does not appreciate, tell them to hit the road. After all it isn't always about pleasing everyone. Life is too short to make them all happy and given them all reasons to be happy. As long as you are happy. Live it! :) Ah I love my profession :D


Maybe we should develop a Crayola bomb as our next secret weapon. A happiness weapon. A beauty bomb. And every time a crisis developed, we would launch one. It would explode high in the air - explode softly - and send thousands, millions, of little parachutes into the air. Floating down to earth - boxes of Crayolas. And we wouldn't go cheap, either - not little boxes of eight. Boxes of sixty-four, with the sharpener built right in. with silver and gold and copper, magenta and peach and lime, amber and umber and all the rest. And people would smile and get a little funny look on their faces and cover the world with imagination.

Lesson Learned in Life

I'd be lying if I said it didn't get in my feelings about the way people treat me, but I've learned it's life and everybody isn't me. Everybody don't show the same love I show.... and I'm learning to be okay with that.   -  lady á™  ʚɞ 

You have the key

So which way will your ship sail?

Fuck You!

You should not even let the slightest fear hold you back from speaking the truth. I am not promoting FOUL USE OF LANGUAGE and please dont get this message wrong. If you dare think that, may you pee in bed tonight. Yea so I just curse :P But JUST DO IT because you will get only one life and after this is over, you'll just have a here after where you will be too busy burning in hell or making love in the heavens, but you'll have other stuff to do I mean. SO quit getting scared!

Engrave in my heart

The sands of time will not gush out of the hour glass because it has walls to protect it. The sand on a sea side will be washed away. Write his name in your heart if he is deserving. He is not deserving if he think you are just a nobody. a some body is what you have to be. let not the waves wash it away.

Relationship? Compromise?

I have not been able to do justice with myself. But I will eventually learn because I want to. The one I love will become a priority because his love with out weigh mine. His love will give me a reason to make him a priority. One sided nothing exists. Yes unconditional love does, but that requires some respect from the other person. If he is abusive, he doesn't deserve anything but unconditional indifference.

The magic within you

When disaster strikes, there are no magic words that will make everything all right. For if there were, life would necessarily have to be unbearably empty and shallow in order to accommodate them. What there is, is the opportunity and the obligation to love as you never have before. What there is, is the stimulus to take life to a higher level. In your moments of most profound challenge, you are left with only what truly matters. And that is a powerful place to be. When you are forced to experience life at its worst, it compels you to be your best. You must call upon a level of strength you never before knew was there. And then, you begin to work through it. As you choose to move forward, life takes on greater, more profound meaning. Choose to love, and choose to live. That is what you can do, and that is where the real magic will happen.

Trust but choose

I have learned to learn as I grow older. Every day I avow to make a difference, in the little way I can. Starting today, I promise to touch a life today. Welcome to my haven.When you come here, you'll sure leave thinking. Have I touched you?